Sooryun MJ has developed a proprietary system of Ear & Foot Acupuncture using profound combination of acupuncture points on the ear and the foot to effectively alleviate many conditions.
Ear & Foot Acupuncture at La Jolla Health & Acupuncture is a gentle introduction to those who are new to acupuncture. In 30-minutes sessions that includes a brief intake, gentle needling is performed on ear and foot acupuncture points while relaxing on a comfortable chair. Each session includes soothing and therapeutic music for your body and mind. Our Ear & Foot Acupuncture is also recommended for those who simply want to improve their overall health, or for those who have a busy schedule and do not have time for a one-hour treatment.
At La Jolla Health & Acupuncture, distal points at the top of the body (ear) and bottom of the body (foot) are combined in a novel way that can deliver powerful results in treating many conditions.
Ear acupuncture can be used to alleviate many conditions, including, but not limited to:
Pain anywhere in the body
Poor concentration/ Memory (great for improving work performance and student exam grades)
Digestive issues
Appetite control/ Weight loss
Smoking cessation
High blood pressure ...
EAR ACUPUNCTURE can be used to effectively relieve many conditions. The ear is considered a microsystem that is representative of the whole body, in which the entire body is mapped out on the ear in the shape of an inverted fetus. The earlobe is likened to the head of the fetus, with the head of the fetus facing towards one’s nose. The practice of various forms of ear acupuncture has been recorded across cultures over the course of history: During the Renaissance, cauterization of the outer ear was used to relieve leg pain. Mediterranean sailors pierced their ears and wore gold earrings for decorative purposes and to improve their vision. Ancient Persian records show use of cauterization of external ear in treatment of sciatica. Over time, research has shown convenience, clinical and cost-effective potentials of ear acupuncture in alleviating various health conditions. Ear acupuncture is widely employed today, including in military settings to aid in relief of pain and symptoms of PTSD.
FOOT ACUPUNCTURE is also used in a similar approach to ear acupuncture. The foot can also be seen as a microsystem, which represents the whole body. The acupuncture meridians that begin and end at the foot have connections to the rest of the body and organ systems. These points can then be stimulated to affect specific areas of the body.
Acupuncture can promote a sense of well-being and relaxation, which can translate into improvements in all aspects of one’s life.
Ear & Foot Acupuncture at La Jolla Health & Acupuncture is a gentle introduction to those who are new to acupuncture. In 30-minutes sessions that includes a brief intake, gentle needling is performed on ear and foot acupuncture points while relaxing on a comfortable chair. Each session includes soothing and therapeutic music for your body and mind. Our Ear & Foot Acupuncture is also recommended for those who simply want to improve their overall health, or for those who have a busy schedule and do not have time for a one-hour treatment.
At La Jolla Health & Acupuncture, distal points at the top of the body (ear) and bottom of the body (foot) are combined in a novel way that can deliver powerful results in treating many conditions.
Ear acupuncture can be used to alleviate many conditions, including, but not limited to:
Pain anywhere in the body
Poor concentration/ Memory (great for improving work performance and student exam grades)
Digestive issues
Appetite control/ Weight loss
Smoking cessation
High blood pressure ...
EAR ACUPUNCTURE can be used to effectively relieve many conditions. The ear is considered a microsystem that is representative of the whole body, in which the entire body is mapped out on the ear in the shape of an inverted fetus. The earlobe is likened to the head of the fetus, with the head of the fetus facing towards one’s nose. The practice of various forms of ear acupuncture has been recorded across cultures over the course of history: During the Renaissance, cauterization of the outer ear was used to relieve leg pain. Mediterranean sailors pierced their ears and wore gold earrings for decorative purposes and to improve their vision. Ancient Persian records show use of cauterization of external ear in treatment of sciatica. Over time, research has shown convenience, clinical and cost-effective potentials of ear acupuncture in alleviating various health conditions. Ear acupuncture is widely employed today, including in military settings to aid in relief of pain and symptoms of PTSD.
FOOT ACUPUNCTURE is also used in a similar approach to ear acupuncture. The foot can also be seen as a microsystem, which represents the whole body. The acupuncture meridians that begin and end at the foot have connections to the rest of the body and organ systems. These points can then be stimulated to affect specific areas of the body.
Acupuncture can promote a sense of well-being and relaxation, which can translate into improvements in all aspects of one’s life.